
ios | design

"Willow is a fantastically talented software engineer. He has a rare ability to combine engineering and design creating engaging user experiences. I would highly recommend Liu to any company. He is a very valuable asset on any team."
--- Moe Abbas, Co-founder, Bumpn Inc & GenM Inc.

In 2015 fall, I got a chance to join Bumpn Inc. for four month internship during my last semester. As I learned iOS development in the summer, I'm assigned to help on iOS development. My major responsibility is aesthetics improvement, and most of my work is following new UI design and apply specifications.

The prototype shown on the right is what I made for interest as Moe is asking for better sign in and sign up workflow. I was interested in Sketch at that moment, and found several good templates from SketchAppSources.

In addition to development and design, I learned a lot from Marc who has strong ability of learning. He is the core technique guy and responsible for backend/Android development.

Interested in the app? Give a try to this startup company (you should be able to see the new user interface done mostly by me :sunglasses:)!


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Toronto, Ontario, Canada